The Great 'WHY'

The Bhagavad Gītā opens with the great ‘WHY’, reflecting the personal crisis that we all face at some point of our lives. We are drawn into the protagonist Arjuna’s life at a crucial moment, when the renowned young prince is getting ready for a bloody battle against a huge army consisting of his own family, cousin and teachers. Struggling with fears, a misconstrued sense of duty and an awakening consciousness, the young prince is caught in the dilemma of his life. Even after five thousand years, Arjuna’s dilemma is still alive in humanity’s experience of life. Our questions are hardly different from Arjuna’s... • Why are we here? • Why do we do what we do in our lives? • Why don’t we find fulfillment, even after years of working for success in the world? • Why do more and more challenges await us even after we solve and overcome numerous challenges? ...